I can't believe they are now blocking ESPN on the military computers, what is the world coming to? hahaha It's a bummer, obviously if you knew me you would know its one of my favorite websites. I guess it's a threat to AOR security, whatever. I can get it on the MWR computers still. They also are now blocking amazon.com and ebay
I got a care package from my sister April. It was so awsome, it made my week! reeces candies, tuna packs, lemondrop thingies, a few small books regarding the lord and letters from her, Isabel, and diego. This is outstanding! Now I need to write them back old school. When I was in the navy I was great at writing letters, there was no email and internet was in its infant stages. sound old? I would write people I was only acquantences back home just to get a letter. They just took so darn long to receive!
The guys are starting to slack so I had to put my foot down today, and now they act like they are so hurt. I actually made a guy stay an hour late because he was late for the third time in 4 weeks. I heard we are getting a tech and two staffs as replacements. a nice relief, love these guys as people but a little maturity will be refreshing
Mohr made a mistake today, luckily we were able to do damage control without day shift knowing. Because the certain individual was late, she had to fill in at the gate and failed to look at the DV board. DV is distinguished visitor, an 0-6 or E-9, we had an E-9 sergeant major on the board. Well, problem is we had a flight go out, but if you don't look at the board, your probably not going to look in the DV lounge, and probably not going to realize a sergeant major is crashed out, and missed the flight, didn't wake up till three hours later. First, how could anyone sleep that soundly in a recliner? Well he woke up, and Mohr admits she screwed up. One thing I admire about her is she can admit when she's wrong, like me. A lot of people in the military cannot. And she busts her butt every day, so I can definitely live with a mistake here and there. There was a flight that the embassy hadgoing four hours later, they were nice enough to get me a seat.
I hear a knock on the day, open it and it's sergeant H, bamm! right in my face. Remember, she's Puerto Rican, so right away I can tell she's fuming because of the sergeant major. Don't look at her eye, i tell myself, so I look at her hair. Oh she colored it some crazy red, oh great now i'm going to stare at her bad color. So I look down, and sheepishly tell her we made a mistake, and we're fixing it. she walks away saying, "these guys are breathing down my neck!" I'd hate to see her get angry at her husband!
Or logistics planner asked if we had a flight going to Ali Aselem Kuwait? I'm thinking, we always do, when he tells me a shocker, an airment is pregnant! WOW! For one, it is against the base rules to have sex. Two, they didn't use precautions. Everyone knows the penalty, automatic reduction in rank, immediately sent out of the AOR. And amazingly, they sell protection at the shoppette, in the most generic non-special effect version as possible. This is now the second female in six weeks that has gotten pregnant here. Crazy!
I about peed my pants today, I'm talking to a UN guy when I hear on the speaker, "Incoming, Incoming!!" My heart almost jumped out of my chest, I crashed to the ground, fetal position, hands over my head, mouth open so my teeth do't shatter from the concussion. After 30 seconds I see people getting up. what? A drill? Me and the UN guy did not hear that, scary, thank god it was only a drill
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